Our manufacturing activities consist of initial processing of textile raw materials, cotton, linen, wool, silk, non-textile, hemp yarn, jute, textile and clothing industry, knitted fabrics, weaving nets. The industrial products of “ Zangezur textile” are used in clothes, shoes, furniture production,machiner and in other related areas.
Mining industry
Cargo transportation
Other production areas
Usually the products have 1, 2 or 4 handles and are made upon the requirements of the customer.
Lifting heavy cargo
Dangerous cargo
Gondola wagons
Since February 2001 we have been producing:
In case of orders we add cotton fabrics and plastic membrane. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
In case of orders we add cotton fabrics and plastic membrane. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
The upper side open-closed below
Cover above – closed below
Cover above – hole below
In case of orders we add cotton fabrics and plastic membrane. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
Cover above – closed below
(Can be modified according to the order)
In case of orders we add cotton fabrics and plastic membrane. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
Cover above – closed below
(Can be modified according to the order)
In case of orders we add cotton fabrics and plastic membrane. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
Cover above – closed below
(Can be modified according to the order)
In case of orders we add cotton fabrics and plastic membrane. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
50kg (ability to carry 25-50 kg)
In case of orders we add cotton fabrics and plastic membrane. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
Used for trains and trucks. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
50kg (ability to carry 25-50 kg)
In case of orders we add cotton fabrics and plastic membrane. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
50kg (ability to carry 25-50 kg)
In case of orders we add cotton fabrics and plastic membrane. Size, color and density are chosen according to the order.
The sizes, color, density and length according to the order.
Application areas-Mining ,furniture industry, construction, food industry, medicine, carpet making, agriculture,etc.
The sizes, color, density and length according to the order.
Application areas-Mining industry, furniture, construction, food industry, medicine, carpet making, agriculture, etc.
The sizes, color, density and length according to the order.
Application areas-Mining, furniture industry, construction, food industry, medicine, carpet making, agriculture, etc.
The sizes, color, density and length according to the order.
Application areas-Mining, furniture industry, construction, food industry, medicine, carpet making, agriculture, etc.
Sizes, color and density are made according to the order.
Application areas-Mining, furniture industry, construction, food industry, medicine, carpet making, agriculture, etc.
The sizes, color, density and length according to the order.
Application areas - Mining, construction and other fields requiring high temperature conditions.
Properties - fire resistance, heat insulation, durability.
The sizes, color, density and type of the thread according to the order.
The sizes, color, density and thread type according to the order
The sizes, color, density and thread type according to the order.
The sizes, color, density and length according to the order.
Application areas - Mining, furniture industry, construction, food industry, medicine, carpet making, agriculture, etc.
The sizes, color, density and length according to the order.
Application areas - Mining, furniture industry, construction, food industry, medicine, carpet making, agriculture, etc.
Armenian Goris local industry combine was formed at the basis of the buzz factory according to the decision of Armenian Soviet Minitrers' N 1114, 30.12.1996 and Local Industry Ministry's 28.01.1967 N 16 decision.
Afterwards in 1967 according to the decision of Local Industry Ministry's N 1 decision on 13th of January the combine was renamed as “ Zangezur Manufacturing Union”. The union had brenches in southern cities of Armnenia: Sisian, Eghegnadzor, Jermuk, Meghri, Agarak, Qajaran, Artsvanik, Goris and in villages: Sevatanc, Bayandur, Khanatsakh.
In 1991, March 1 the combine was again renamed as” Zangezur combine” and its brenches were separated as separate units.
In 13 July, 1995 according to the Combine's director's decision the combine was liquidated and was as “ Zangezur Closed Joint Stock Company”.
In 08 February, 2003 it was renamed as” Zangezur Textile” Closed Joint Stock Company.
Till 1991 the combine had been producing sewing products, uniforms for women, different kinds of bags, artificial Christmas trees. The products have been consumed in different cities of Russia and in Middle Asia.
The combine also had wood processing and processed metal products which have been consumed locally.
In 1991-2001 we have been producing different kinds of military uniforms based on Armenian State Defense Ministry's orders.
Quality products and reliable partner
Write us a letter or look on the map
Grigor Tatevatsi 5,Goris Town, RA